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New developments – follow-up case De Blok et. all vs the Netherlands, Factsheet Dutch CEDAW Network November 2016

Factsheet Dutch CEDAW Network November 2016

New developments – follow-up case De Blok et all vs the Netherlands  (Optional Protocol CEDAW/C/57/D/36/2012).

1. Immediately after the verdict of the District Court Midden-Nederland the UWV, the Employees Insurance Agency, after consultation with the Ministry of Social Affairs, appealed to the verdict (29 September 2016).

  1. On November 3 2016 the UWV submitted its arguments for the appeal (apparently again after consultation with the ministry).
    With respect to CEDAW the document reads on p. 3:
    It is correct that CEDAW in several publications has expressed the opinion that the scope of art. 11 (02) (b) is broad, and includes self-employed women. Remarkable, however, is that CEDAW never motivated this claim. Nor has CEDAW ever explicitly contested the arguments that art. 11 (2) (b) does not related to self-employed persons and does not in itself impose an obligation to pride for a public benefit scheme for this particular group.
    A view (judgement) that lacks any motivation cannot, in our view, be considered as an authoritative view from any organisation
    In addition we note that it is not the mandat of CEDAW to provide interpretation of the articles of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. [2]

(translated by the Network)

  1. Situation of 6 authors: all applied for a maternity benefit.
  2. one received it from the Employee Insurance Institute UWV (sept. 2015)
  3. two did no receive a maternity benefit, their appeal was turned down by UWV, District Court Amsterdam gave a negative verdict,
  4. one did no receive a maternity benefit, her appeal was turned down by UWV, District Court Midden-Nederland’s verdict was that UWV should supply a maternity benefit, UWV refuses and appealed to the verdict at the Central Appeals Court
  5. two applied for a maternity benefit at UWV; they did not receive any written answer to this request (UWV is silent for more than a year). This is the reason these two cannot appeal (there is no decision to appeal to).

    [1] The court had written “ an authoritative view, since CEDAW is an international committee on women’s rights issues”  (point 17 judgement)
    [2] UWV refers in a footnote to:, and



Previous references:
* Shadowreport 2.0 para 2 + Annex para 4

* Nederlands Institute for Human Rights October 2016 p. 1, January p. 2
[1] The court had written “ an authoritative view, since CEDAW is an international committee on women’s rights issues”  (point 17 judgement)

[2] UWV refers in a footnote to:, and