Het Netwerk VN-Vrouwenverdrag heeft namens de volgende 75 organisaties Women’s Rights beyond gender neutrality in words and action – Shadowrepport 2021 naar CEDAW gestuurd:
- Aidsfonds – Soa Aids Nederland (Aids Fund– Soa Aids the Netherlands)
- Art.1 , Kenniscentrum discriminatie Nederland (Art.1, Dutch knowledge centre on discrimination)
- ASKV/Steunpunt Vluchtelingen (ASKV/Refugee Support)
- Atria Kennisinstituut voor Emancipatie en Vrouwengeschiedenis (Atria Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History)
- Both ENDS
- Bureau Clara Wichmann
- CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality
- COC Nederland (COC Netherlands, Rights of lesbian women, gay men, bisexuals and transgenders (LGBT’s))
- Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW)
- COMENSHA – Coördinatiecentrum tegen Mensenhandel (Dutch Coordination Centre against Human Trafficking)
- Cordaid
- VVAO Vereniging van vrouwen met een hogere opleiding (Society of Women with a higher/academic education)
- Defence for Children
- Dona Daria, kenniscentrum Emancipatie te Rotterdam (Expertise Centre for Emancipation)
- ELANCE Academy
- Emancipator
- FairWork
- Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging (FNV) (The Netherlands Trade Union Confederation)
- Femmes for Freedom
- Graduate Women International Netherlands GWI-NL
- Amsterdams Coördinatiepunt Mensenhandel (ACM), onderdeel van HVO-Querido (Amsterdam Coordination Point for Human Trafficking (ACM), department of HVO-Querido)
- Huize Agnes (The Agnes van Leeuwenberch Foundation)
- Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Hivos) (Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries)
- International Network of Liberal Women
- Joke Smit Stichting
- Johannes Wier Stichting
- Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (Dutch Network of Women Professors)
- Mama Cash
- Middelburg Human Rights Law Consultancy
- Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM) (Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists)
- Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad (Dutch Council of Women)
- Neighborhood Feminists
- Nisa4Nisa
- NNID, Nederlandse organisatie voor seksediversiteit (NNID Foundation, Netherlands organisation for sex diversity)
- Oudere Vrouwen Netwerk Nederland (OVN NL) (Older Women’s Network (OWN NL)
- Oxfam Novib
- Passage, Christelijk- maatschappelijke vrouwenbeweging (Passage, Christian Social Women’s Movement)
- Platform Vrouwen & Duurzame Vrede (Platform Women & Sustainable Peace)
- Platform Zelfbeschikking en Verblijfsrecht (Platform Self-Determination and Residence Rights)
- Prostitution Information Center (PIC)
- RADAR , antidiscriminatievoorziening (RADAR, antidiscrimination agency)
- RESPECT Network (campaigning for the rights of migrant domestic workers)
- Rights4Change (Organization for human rights and gender justice)
- Rutgers
- S.P.E.A.K (Muslim women collective)
- SEDA Women Development Center Curaçao
- SekswerkExpertise – platform positieverbetering sekswerkers (Expert platform to advance sex workers’ rights)
- SHOP – Kennis- en expertisecentrum sekswerk en mensenhandel (Knowledge and expertise centre for sex work and human trafficking)
- Somali Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (SONPPCAN)
- Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning (Supportgroup Undocumented Women)
- Steunpunt Studerende Moeders (Foundation Studying Mothers)
- Stichting Asiya
- Stichting Buurvrouwennetwerk, BVN (Neighborhood Women’s Network Foundation)
- Stichting Kezban
- Stichting LOS (National Support Organisation for Undocumented Migrants)
- Stichting Molukse Vrouwen Raad (MVR) (Moluccan Council of Women)
- Stichting Ondersteboven (Foundation focusing on the visibility of queer women)
- Stichting Vobis
- TAMPEP , The European Network for the Promotion of Health and Rights among Migrant Sex Workers
- TIYE International
- Transgender Netwerk Nederland (TNN)
- Transnational Migrant Platform Europe (TMP-E)
- Unie van Soroptimistclubs in Nederland, Suriname en Curaçao (Union of Soroptimistclubs in the Netherlands, Suriname and Curaçao)
- Valente, brancheverening voor participatie, veilige opvang en begeleiding / landelijk netwerk vrouwenopvang (Valente, association for participation, safe shelter and guidance / national network of women’s shelters)
- Vereniging van Nederlandse Vrouwelijke Artsen (VNVA) (Dutch Medical Women Association)
- Vereniging voor Vrouw en Recht Clara Wichmann (Dutch Association Women and Law Clara Wichmann)
- Verpleegkundigen & Verzorgenden Nederland (V&VN) (Dutch association of nurses and carers)
- VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (Dutch Council for Refugees)
- VTU Vrouwen tegen Uitzetting Amsterdam (Women against Deportation Amsterdam)
- WECF International
- WILPF Nederland (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Dutch section)
- WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform
- WOMEN Inc.
- Women on Waves
- WOUW-Amsterdam, Netwerk van Maatschappijkritische 50+ vrouwen (Network of 50+ women critical of the social structure)