79 Dutch NGOs and CSOs endorsed:
Unfinished Business – Women’s Rights in the Netherlands
Shadow Report by Dutch NGOs and CSOs
CEDAW Session 65, 24 October – 18 November 2016
- African Sky, Landelijke Organisatie van Oost-Afrikaanse Vrouwen (National Organization of East-African Women)
- Aids Fonds / SOA Aids Nederland (Aids Fund / STD/Aids the Netherlands)
- Asiya (organization committed to the emancipation and integration of Somali Dutch)
- ASKV Steunpunt Vluchtelingen (ASKV Refugee Support)
- Atria, Kennisinstituut voor emancipatie en vrouwengeschiedenis (Institute on Gender Equality and Women’s History)
- COC Netherlands (Federation of Dutch associations for the integration of homosexuality COC Netherlands)
- Comensha (Coordination Centre Against Human Trafficking)
- Defence for Children- ECPAT
- Dona Daria, Kenniscentrum Emancipatie te Rotterdam (Expertise Centre for Emancipation)
- Emancipator, voor mannen en emancipatie (men and gender justice)
- FairWork
- Fanga Musow/Stichting Seguro
- Federatie Opvang (Federation of Shelters)
- Femmes for Freedom
- Fischer Advocaten
- FNV (Netherlands Trade Union Confederation)
- FNV vrouwenbond (FNV Womens Union)
- GWI-NL (Graduate Women International Netherlands)
- HIVOS (Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries)
- Huize Agnes/ Agnes Manor (Foundation Agnes van Leeuwenberch)
- HVO Querido
- Ieder (in), Netwerk voor mensen met een beperking of chronische ziekte (Everyone in)
- International Network of Liberal Women (INLW)
- Johannes Wier Stichting voor Gezondheidszorg en Mensenrechten (Foundation for Health and Human Rights)
- Kezban Foundation (preventing en combating domestic violence within the immigrant circuit)
- Liberaal Vrouwen Netwerk (LVN)
- LNVH, Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (Dutch Network of Women Professors)
- Mama Cash
- Movisie (Dutch centre for social development)
- MVVN, Marokkaanse Vrouwenvereniging Nederland (Moroccan Women Association in the Netherlands)
- Nederlandse Vereniging van Vrouwenbelangen, Vrouwenarbeid en Gelijk Staatsburgerschap (Netherlands Association of Women’s Interests, Women’s Work and Equal Citizenship)
- Nisa for Nisa (Moroccan women organization in Amsterdam west)
- NJCM, Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (Dutch Section of the International Commission of Jurists)
- NNID, Nederlands Netwerk Intersekse/DSD (The Netherlands Network Intersex/DSD Foundation
- NOOM, Netwerk van Organisaties van Oudere Migranten (Network of Organizations of Elderly Migrants)
- NVR, Nederlandse Vrouwenraad (Netherlands Council of Women)
- Oudere Vrouwen Netwerk Nederland (Elderly Women’s Network Netherlands)
- Out and Proud
- Passage, christelijk-maatschappelijke vrouwenbeweging (Christian Community Women’s movement)
- Proefprocessenfonds Clara Wichmann (Women’s Rights Fund Clara Wichmann)
- Professional Latin Women 4 Development (PLW4D)
- Proud, de Nederlandse belangenvereniging voor sekswerkers (Dutch Union for Sex workers)
- RADAR/Art.1. Kenniscentrum discriminatie Nederland (Dutch knowledge centre on discrimination)
- RESPECT Network NL (migrant domestic workers)
- Rights4Change (Organization for human rights and gender justice)
- Shop Hulp en Opvang prostitutie en mensenhandel (Shelter and Advice and Relaxing Industry)
- SONPPCAN (Somali Network for Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect)
- Sophiedela (African European Women’s Movement)
- Stichting DR Congo à la Carte (DRCC)
- Stichting Fayaz voor Mensenrechten in Afghanistan (Fayaz Foundation for Human Rights in Afghanistan)
- Stichting Landelijke Werkgroep Mudawwanah (Foundation National Workgroup Mudawwanah)
- Stichting Los (Foundation for Support for Undocumented Migrants)
- Stichting OKIA, OndersteuningsKomitee Illegale Arbeiders / Support Committee for Undocumented Workers
- Stichting Steunpunt Studerende Moeders
- SWexpertise, platform positieverbetering sekswerkers (Platform improvement position sex workers)
- TAMPEP International Foundation (European Network for HIV/STI Prevention and Health Promotion among Migrant Sex Workers)
- TIYE International (Platform of 21 National Associations of Black, Migrant and Refugee Women and Youth)
- TNN (Transgender Network Netherlands)
- VAM, Stichting Vrouwen en Arbeidsmarkt (Women and Labor Market Foundation)
- Vereniging van Afghaanse Vrouwen (Rabea-e-Balkhi)
- Vereniging voor Vrouw en Recht Clara Wichmann (Association Women and Law Clara Wichmann)
- VHTO, Dutch National Expert Organization on Girls/Women and Science/Technology
- Vluchtelingenorganisaties Nederland (Refugee Organizations Netherlands)
- VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (Dutch Council for Refugees)
- VNVA, Vereniging van Nederlandse Vrouwelijke Artsen (Dutch Association of Medical Women)
- Vrouwen van Nu (Today’s Women)
- VTU, Vrouwen Tegen Uitzetting (Women Against Deportation)
- VVAO, Vereniging voor hoger opgeleide vrouwen (Netherlands Association for Highly Educated Women)
- Wemos Foundation
- WGNRR (Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights)
- Wij Vrouwen Eisen (Dutch Abortion Committee We Women Demand)
- WILPF (Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, Dutch Section)
- WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform
- Women for Water Partnership
- WOMEN Inc.
- Women on Waves
- WOUW Amsterdam